This is to inform the public that Ms. Geraldine M. Anog a.k.a. “Ghel” , whose picture appears above, is no longer connected with any of the companies mentioned below as of November 30, 2020.
All transactions made or entered by her on the corporation’s behalf after the abovementioned date are no longer authorized, and will no longer be honored by Earth+Style Corporation, Earth Prosper Corporation, Earth Aspire Corporation, Extraordinary Development Corporation, Prosperity Builders Resources Inc., and Ambition Land Inc.
Please report any unauthorized transaction to the above corporations through the following cellphone number:
Your Lifestyle Property Developer, Earth+Style (pronounced Earth and Style) formally unveiled new townhouse models alongside its regular bungalow units in Gen. Trias, Cavite, as part of its Mayflower County project. Managed by Earth Aspire Corporation, Mayflower County is Earth+Style’s first residential subdivision to embody the Filipinos’ love for festivities. All houses come in 5 layouts and 4 color schemes. Floor area sizes range from 33 to 48 sq.m. with lot cuts of 50, 80 and 100 sq.m. Present during the house blessing are Earth Aspire Corporation’s officers (back row from L to R): Len Santos, Rhoanne Diongson and Glenn Pantig; (front row from L to R): Alice Tolentino, Susan Alcabao, Jaz Espiritu, Maan Chua and Eduino Tan.
Your Lifestyle Property Developer, Earth+Style (pronounced as Earth and Style), formally turned over Villaggio di Xavier -Dolce Vita house & lot in Jubilation New Biñan to its top broker, RF Magncalas Realty. This prize is part of Earth+Style’s Vision Promo package which also included a Honda Civic car. On top of cash, vehicles and Earth+Style properties, Earth+Style will be also giving away healthcare benefits this year as part of its sellers’ incentives. Present during the house turnover ceremony are (from left to right): Jack Basit, Marketing Head-Earth Prosper Corp.; Alice Tolentino, Sales Team Head-Earth Aspire Corp.; William Chuacuco, GM-Earth Prosper Corp.; Rose & Fernando Magcanlas of RF Magcanlas Realty; Tyrone Luna, Deputy GM for Sales-Earth+Style Corp.; and Julie Bernaldez, Sales Team Head-Earth+Style Corp.
Dubbed as DOTS (or Direct Observed Treatment Shortcourse Chemotherapy) Fun Run 2011, Earth and Style, Your Lifestyle Property Developer, in tie-up with University of Perpetual Help-Jonelta, Southwoods Runners Club and Jollibee Pavilion Mall, held its first Fun Run last March 27, 2011 in Jubilation New Biñan. DOTS Fun Run 2011 was held in support of the City of Biñan’s campaign to raise awareness in promoting healthy lungs. Aside from this, Earth and Style gave away eco-friendly bags to first 100 runners in each category to promote Biñan’s “No to Plastic Bags” campaign. Proceeds of fun run will go to selected public schools in Biñan since part of Earth+Style’s CSR program is to help improve the education sector. Organizing committee members (from L to R): Michiko Gargolio; Lui Ramirez Alversado, Earth and Style’s Marketing Communications Head; Dra. May Espiritu, UPH-Jonelta’s Executive Director; Rhoda Grace Santos, Jollibee Pavilion Mall’s Store Manager and Michael Rodriguez are shown in this picture awarding the top 3k runner.
Three members of the Earth+Style family placed in the top 10 of the Real Estate Broker Licensure Examination last March 2011. These are Benigno A. Tatunay, 7th placer (2nd row, 3rd from left), Elizabeth D. Austria, 10th placer (1st row, 5th from left) and Eduino L. Tan, 9th placer (1st row, 6th from left). In support of the Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines, Earth and Style encouraged and supported everyone in the company to take the examination. Warm congratulations to Earth+Style, Your Lifestyle Property Developer.

(from left to right: Raymundo G. Alonso, GM-Earth and Style Corporation; Victor H. Manarang, President; Fernando Magcanlas of R.F. Magcanlas Realty; Evelyn C. Solis, COO; Olan Toque of Eco Prime Realty; Eduino L. Tan, GM-Earth Aspire Corporation; Robirose M. Abbot, GM for Business Resource Unit; William J. Chuacuco, GM-Earth Prosper Corporation)
Earth and Style, Your Lifestyle Property Developer, awarded two BMW cars to its leading brokers last semester–on top of other numerous prizes worth P8M–as part of its Vision Promo Prizes during its recent semestral sales rally dubbed “Earth and Style — The Future is Here”. Recipients of the cars were R.F. Magcanlas Realty and Eco Prime Realty. This year, Earth and Style will also be giving away healthcare benefits on top of cash, vehicles, and Earth and Style properties as part of its sellers’ incentives. Indeed, the future is here at Earth and Style!
The real estate industry is expected to continue on its uptrend this year although developers should be cautious about building up too much inventory as the probability is that it could reach a plateau very soon, an industry expert said.
Victor H. Manarang, president of the Earth+Style Corp., said the industry, as a whole, remains bullish as the factors fuelling the growth are still there such as low interests, high GDP growth, and rising income level of the population.
“But the supply side has also grown substantially in the last few years so a lot of inventory is coming in, and therefore, we cannot say for sure if we have balanced the supply and demand, or supply has actually overtaken demand. That is why we, at Earth+Style, are cautious in growing our supply,” Manarang, who has personally witnessed the movement of the industry as an insider since 1987, said.
Just like in 2009 and 2010, Manarang said 2011 should see the continuation of the uptrend. But when it will begin to plateau is something that the industry should watch out for.
“If we use supply and demand as the basis, there will be no sudden drop. It will rise, reach a plateau, and then start the downtrend. We think the plateau will come, but we are not sure when,” he said.
Manarang said some would predict the cycles by counting the number of years from the last experienced uptrend to the downtrend as gleaned from the past 20 years. But there are economic and industry factors that should also be considered, including the period of the delivery of the supply and the re-sale of units that were bought by investors.
He said a lot of the buyers are not acquiring properties for end use but for investment, like having them rented or offer them later for re-sale.
These, Manarang said, will greatly affect future market conditions as plenty of re-sale or rental units will cause oversupply.
Unfortunately, he said, it is not easy to separate which purchases are for end-use and which of them are for investment purposes.
Also, Manarang said the 3 to 4 million housing backlog as announced by the government is not a good gauge in determining the size of the demand.
“This is derived from the survey of the population and while it says how many of the populace needs housing, it does not say how many can afford to buy. And considering the state of our economy, many who need actually could not afford. So this is not ‘actualizable’ demand because while the desire is there to purchase a house, they don’t have the capacity to buy. But they can also become the tenants or customers of our buyers,” he said.
Earth + Style Corporation recently unveiled the Shanri and Vana house models of Jubilation East Expansion in Jubilation New Biñan, Laguna. Inspired by Jubilation East Expansion’s tagline, Life…the Way You Want It, the houses were designed to suit the vibrant lifestyles of large or growing families. Both houses are Asian-tropical inspired amidst a suburban background. It comes in three 2-full storey layouts with four various hues to suit different tastes. House areas range from 108 sq.m. to 140 sq.m. with a minimum lot area of 168 sq.m. Read More
Asia Pacific Medical and Wellness Center Inc. (or APMWCI), the first building to rise inside Earth + Style Corporation’s business hub, One Asia Business Center, recently formalizes its development via a groundbreaking ceremony. Located in the heart of Jubilation New Biñan, Laguna, APMWCI is a medical and wellness building which features ultra-modern materials with neo-classic design. Read More